opdrachtformulier aankoop woning

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Stuur dit dan, zo compleet mogelijk ingevuld, naar: Wonique Waals
t.a.v. Monique Waals, Willem Klooslaan 20, 2106 EA Heemstede.

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    wonique – unique in wonen

    aankoopmakelaar referentie

    wat klanten zeggen
    over Wonique

    Paul & Maret Michaelides

    A very satisfactory experience

    “We found working with Monique Waals a very satisfactory experience. Working with only a loose idea of the type of house we wanted and looking from Vogelenzang to Bloemendaal, Monique assisted in focusing the search through sound advice and years of local knowledge. Monique was a patient and enthusiastic viewer of houses providing a clear view on value, potential and technical soundness. Monique was a capable and realistic negotiator and once again her experience and local knowledge was key in getting a great house at the right price. Monique’s passion for the houses and the area, and not just the bottom line, are fundamental to her successful business and we strongly endorse Wonique.”

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